Release FlexShip Customer Portal and app for Seatrade
Release FlexShip Customer Portal and app for Seatrade

We are very pleased to announce the release of Seatrade’s own customer portal with track and trace functionality.

Containers are becoming more and more important within Seatrade’s liner services and so is the need to make container tracking and tracing available for their customers.And that’s where we come in. To give a proper answer to Seatrade’s needs, we introduced and developed the FlexShip customer portal and app with track and trace functionality for them.

This introduction of the FlexShip portal and app, meets the needs and enables their customers to keep track of their container shipments move-by-move at their own convenience.

The portal and app we have developed have the following main features:

Container tracking and tracing based on container number and booking or B/L number.
Detailed history of your container(s) move-by-move.
This is only the first stage and more handy features will be added soon.

The Seatrade App will be available on Google Play and on the App Store.

Interested as well? Contact us.

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